Featured on an art website!
www.worshipthenbrand.com a wonderful website devoted to brand-inspired pop art and fan art, did a feature article on me days before Katy Perry rocked the half-time show of the 2015 Super Bowl with much of my bling.
www.worshipthenbrand.com a wonderful website devoted to brand-inspired pop art and fan art, did a feature article on me days before Katy Perry rocked the half-time show of the 2015 Super Bowl with much of my bling.
I got a nice shout out from Katy Perry in her Vogue photo diary of the Presidential Inauguration! http://www.vogue.com/vogue-daily/article/katy-perrys-exclusive-inauguration-photo-diary/#1
Erin Lareau "Bling Things" -- Nov 15th, 2012- Jan 4th, 2013
"Lareau transforms objects into glamorous fantasy objects. Her bejeweled purse made from a vintage movie camera was named the 'best bag of the evening' at the Academy Awards." -- WeHoVille News
Beverly Hills, CA: Erin Lareau, award winning artist, announces the completion of a ten foot tall, Swarovski crystal encrusted, Les Paul inspired guitar as part of the Guitar Town Sunset Strip public art exhibition. Lareau was one of 26 nationally-acclaimed visual artists selected to create a guitar for the project.
Erin Lareau has exhibited her dazzling works at art galleries and museums around the world as well as exclusive shops including Tiffany’s and Geary’s of Beverly Hills.
Artist Erin Lareau created a 5 foot tall pavé crystal elephant for Katy Perry.
Milan, Italy: "My elephant was inspired by my California Dreams Tour and Candyfornia - a magical, glittering place where everything is sweet! The crystals that adorn the elephant are precious, just like the Asian elephants that need our protection. Let’s raise awareness," tweeted superstar Katy Perry.